Tracy Academy of Dance
We will have another competition season, but are still working out the details. Below is last years info. Feel free to look it over as we will have a similar season. Thank you for understanding and stay tuned for the 2020/2021 competition info!
Tracy Academy of Dance 2019/2020 Competition Season Overview
Thank you for your interest in the Tracy Academy of Dance Competition Team! Dancers interested in the competition team must be at least 9 years old (or approved by a teacher), and must be taking at least 3 hours of dance at Tracy Academy of Dance. Competition is not for everyone, and is not a requirement. We strive to offer an excellent program wether dancers are on the competition team, or just attending regular classes. Please read the information carefully to help you decide if the Tracy Academy of Dance competition team is right for you.
Competition Auditions- There will be competition auditions October 4th from 6-7 p.m. All dancers interested in joining the team must audition. There will be time for parents to ask questions after the auditions are done.
Competition Contracts - A competition contract will be handed out and must be returned by October 10th. I will not announce the competition dances until the contracts have been returned. Everyone needs to show good sportsmanship and trust that the teachers will put the students in the groups that are best for the dancers. After the dances have been announced we will not except any requests for changes or drama.
Regional Competitions - Traveling to regional competitions is required. The Competition Team will be attending two required regionals (Minneapolis and Sioux Falls). Dance families will need to plan for Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the regional competitions. Once the schedule comes out, the competition usually takes up 1-2 days.
Costumes - Costumes will range between $50-$70. Please check the calendar for due dates (there will be a week notice for each amount due) . Not all the due dates will necessarily apply as we will try our best to reuse class costumes.
How many dances should my dancer expect? - A first year competitor could expect 2-4 dances. After a dancer has had competition experience they could expect 4-6 dances. Please let us know if there is something we need to know (ex. I can only afford two dances). Please be open with us right away.
Choreography Fees - There will be one set of choreography fees. This fee goes to the choreographer to cover the time spent on choreography, music preparation and rehearsals. The payments will be split into two payments. Due dates are: January 13th and February 17th.
Choreography Rates -
Solo - $175
Duets - $90/person
Trios - $60/person
Small Groups - $55/person
Entrance Fees - This fee goes to the competition so we are able to compete. The reason why this is due early in the dance year is because the competitions fill up and sell out. This fee is for each competition.
KAR Regional Entrance Fee (Minneapolis)
Solos: $135
Duets/Trios: $65/dancer
Groups: $58/dancer
All video and pictures will be given out for $25/dancer (this is optional).
Midwest Starz Regional Entrance Fee (Sioux Falls)
Solos: $95
Duo/Trio: $120 (total that will be divided)
Groups: $38 per dancer
Extra Fees - There is a $40 travel fee for each regional competition.
Regionals Rehearsals/Schedule - Please see the calendar for the Sunday practice dates. The detailed schedule comes out October 31st. I will do my best to make the schedule as efficient as possible.
Tracy Academy of Dance 2019/2020 Competition Team Contract
Each dancer and his/her parents understand their commitment to the Tracy Academy of Dance competition team, and will show their commitment through out the entire 2019/2020 season. Once the competition contract has been signed, the dancer and his/her parents must oblige by the terms of the contract and understand that this contract is binding and non-rescindable.
Attitude and attendance will be monitored throughout the year. Excessive absences for any reason must be made up through private lessons or additional classes, as determined by the instructors. Each dancers attitude and behavior must remain positive throughout the year.
All competition students must attend at least 3 hours a week at Tracy Academy of Dance. Substituting classes must be approved through the instructors.
Each dancer will be evaluated fairly during auditions. Instructors will not accept any complaints from parents or dancers about competition dance selection or placements. Dancers groups are chosen based on the dancers’ abilities, not age or grade level.
Attendance at competition practices are mandatory. A dancer may have one excused absences for illnesses/emergencies only. If more than two competition practice are missed for any reason, arrangements must be made with the choreographers in advance to discuss a make-up plan. The choreographer reserves the right to decide if the absence can be made-up, or the dancer needs to be excused from the dance(s).
Parents understand that all fees must be paid on time. Tracy Academy of Dance is unable to cover the cost for costumes, entrance fees, choreography fees etc. ALL fees are nonrefundable. Parents understand the financial responsibility of being apart of a traveling team.
Parents understand that their dancer need the appropriate shoes, tights, jewelry, hair styles and make-up for each dance.
Students and parents are expected to behave appropriately at all events. Parents should not be back stage longer than it takes to get their dancer ready. Students must treat their parents, classmates, instructors, judges, and competitors with respect and kindness.
Dancers and parents understand that two regional competitions are required for all members of the competition team.
Please make an appointment to meet with Alyssa or Breanna to discuss your concerns and questions about your child only.
Please remember that instructors have different teaching styles, choreography and requirements. All routines are property of Tracy Academy of Dance. Permission must be given by the choreographer to perform a competition piece(s) elsewhere.
There will be a $750 competition buy out fee for families who are unable or decide not to complete the competition season.